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Bitcoin Transactions

The Bitcoin module provides core functionality for creating and sending native Bitcoin transactions. This module handles the fundamentals of UTXO management, fee calculation, and transaction construction.


The Bitcoin module provides:

  • Basic Bitcoin transaction creation and sending
  • Fee calculation and optimization
  • UTXO management and selection
  • Multi-address type support (Legacy, SegWit, Native SegWit, Taproot)

Core Operations

Sending Bitcoin

Send BTC to an address:

const sendResult = await send({
toAddress: "bc1...",
amount: 100000, // Amount in satoshis
feeRate: 2,

console.log("Transfer complete:", sendResult.txId)

Fee Estimation

Calculate accurate fees for transactions:

const { fee } = await actualFee({
toAddress: "bc1...",
amount: 100000,
feeRate: 2,

Minimum Fee Calculation

Calculate minimum required fee based on input and output counts:

const minFee = minimumFee({
taprootInputCount: 1,
nonTaprootInputCount: 0,
outputCount: 2

Error Handling

The module uses the OylTransactionError class for error handling:

try {
await send({ ... })
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof OylTransactionError) {
console.error('Transaction failed:', error.message)
// Handle specific error cases

Safety Features

The module includes several safety checks:

  • Validates UTXO availability
  • Ensures sufficient balance for transactions
  • Optimizes change output creation
  • Validates fee rates against network minimums

Best Practices

When working with Bitcoin transactions:

  1. Always verify UTXO availability before sending
  2. Use appropriate fee rates based on network conditions
  3. Handle change outputs appropriately
  4. Monitor transaction confirmation for completion