Setting up your development environment
In this section, you will set up your local regtest development environment which you will use to build and test your Alkanes contract. The regtest environment uses several services to simulate a local Bitcoin network. These services are bundled into the alkanes repository
The alkanes docker build comprised of several bitcoin indexing services:
- bitcoind
- esplora
- ord
- metashrew
- alkanes
You will also install the Oyl SDK which supports command line interaction with the Alkanes regtest environment.
There are several requisites you will need:
- Docker
- Node 20+
- Yarn
The alkanes testing and development repository contains everything you need to deploy and test a local version of your Alkanes contract. This section will guide you through the steps to get alkanes up and running.
1. Clone alkanes
git clone --recurse-submodules
2. Build alkanes and run the docker container
Confirm that Docker is installed and running, then build the docker container:
docker compose build
Note: This docker compose has only been tested on Linux and MacOS systems. We currently do not guarantee support for Windows OS.
3. Launch the alkanes services
docker compose up -d
Alkanes should now be running in the background with an uninitialized regtest bitcoin instance. The alkanes RPC endpoint is:
It is now possible to call any of the RPC endpoints surfaced in the bitcoin, esplora, ord, and alkanes namespaces.
The full set of bitcoin, esplora, and ord RPC methods can be found in the sandshrew documentation.
You can confirm the RPC endpoint by running:
curl http://localhost:18888/v2/regtest \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "btc_getblockcount",
"params": []
returns a block count:
"result": 0,
"error": null
"id": 1
Now, test that the CLI is working by running a simple command that generates a mnemonic:
oyl account generateMnemonic
# fish invite model account aunt turn survey fit frog enforce replace frown
If you update the OYL SDK or CLI code you will need to rebuild the libraries:
make reset
Using Regtest
Next, you will initialize your local bitcoin chain. The init command will process the first 260 blocks and will send BTC to a faucet address and a test wallet that will be used during testing.
The default mnemonics and addresses are in the src/cli/constants.ts
export const REGTEST_FAUCET = {
mnemonic: 'hub dinosaur mammal approve riot rebel library legal sick discover loop alter',
nativeSegwit: {
address: 'bcrt1qzr9vhs60g6qlmk7x3dd7g3ja30wyts48sxuemv',
publicKey: '03d3af89f242cc0df1d7142e9a354a59b1cd119c12c31ff226b32fb77fa12acce2'
taproot: {
address: 'bcrt1p45un5d47hvfhx6mfezr6x0htpanw23tgll7ppn6hj6gfzu3x3dnsaegh8d',
publicKey: '022ffc336daa8196f1aa796135a568b1125ba08c2879c22468effea8e4a0c4c8b9',
export const TEST_WALLET = {
mnemonic: 'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about',
nativeSegwit: {
address: 'bcrt1qcr8te4kr609gcawutmrza0j4xv80jy8zeqchgx',
publicKey: ''
taproot: {
address: 'bcrt1p5cyxnuxmeuwuvkwfem96lqzszd02n6xdcjrs20cac6yqjjwudpxqvg32hk',
publicKey: '',
1. Initialize the chain
Use the OYL CLI to initialize your local chain.
oyl regtest init
This will execute the blocks and send BTC to the test address.
2. Chain commands
You can now interact with your local alkanes (Bitcoin, Esplora, Ord) and Metsashrew instances. For example, to confirm the UTXOs on the test address run:
oyl utxo addressUtxos -a bcrt1qcr8te4kr609gcawutmrza0j4xv80jy8zeqchgx -p regtest
You can also make direct calls to your local regtest instance:
curl http://localhost:18888/v2/regtest \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "esplora_address::txs",
"params": [