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The Oyl CLI provides a command-line interface for interacting with the Oyl SDK, making it easy to test and develop with various Bitcoin protocols in both mainnet and regtest environments.


Please refer to the global README in the root directory before using the CLI.

CLI Structure

The CLI follows a hierarchical command structure:

oyl <namespace> <command> [options]

Example Usage:

# Basic CLI invocation

# Specify a namespace
oyl utxo

# Execute a specific command
oyl utxo availableBalance

# Command with parameters
oyl utxo availableBalance -m "your mnemonic" -p regtest

Use --help at any level to see available options:

oyl --help
oyl utxo --help
oyl utxo availableBalance --help

Available Namespaces

  • account: Account management and key operations
  • utxo: UTXO examination and management
  • btc: Native Bitcoin transactions
  • brc20: BRC-20 token operations
  • collectible: Ordinal collectible management
  • rune: Rune protocol interactions
  • alkane: Alkanes protocol operations
  • provider: RPC provider interactions

Core Commands

Account Management

oyl account generate           # Generate new account
oyl account generateMnemonic # Generate mnemonic phrase
oyl account privateKeys # Display private keys

UTXO Operations

oyl utxo availableBalance     # Check available balance
oyl utxo accountUtxos # List account UTXOs
oyl utxo addressUtxos # List address UTXOs

Protocol Operations

oyl btc send                  # Send BTC
oyl collectible send # Transfer collectibles
oyl brc20 send # Transfer BRC-20 tokens
oyl brc20 mint # Mint BRC-20 tokens
oyl rune send # Transfer Runes
oyl rune mint # Mint Runes

Provider Interactions

oyl provider api             # API operations
oyl provider ord # Ord server operations

Alkanes Operations

oyl alkane new-contract       # Deploy contract
oyl alkane new-token # Deploy token contract
oyl alkane execute # Execute contract function
oyl alkane trace # Trace contract execution
oyl alkane send # Send alkane tokens
  1. Generate an account:

    oyl account generateMnemonic
  2. Fund the account with BTC or Ordinals

  3. Check balances:

    oyl utxo availableBalance -m "your mnemonic" -p regtest
  4. Perform desired operations:

    oyl btc send -m "your mnemonic" -t "recipient" -a 0.1

Wallet Helper

The CLI includes a Wallet helper class for simplified management:

const wallet = new Wallet({
mnemonic: 'your mnemonic here',
networkType: 'regtest', // 'mainnet' | 'regtest' | 'oylnet' | 'alkanes'
feeRate: 2,

Environment Variables

  • NETWORK: Network to use (mainnet/regtest)
  • RPC_URL: Custom RPC endpoint
  • API_KEY: API key for provider services
  • MNEMONIC: Default wallet mnemonic

Regtest Environment

The CLI provides commands for managing a local regtest Bitcoin environment, which is essential for development and testing.

Initializing Regtest

Initialize a new regtest environment with pre-funded addresses:

oyl regtest init [options]

-m, --mnemonic <mnemonic> Optional mnemonic for account generation
-a, --address <address> Optional address to receive initial funds

This command:

  • Generates 260 initial blocks
  • Funds a faucet address with 60 block rewards
  • Sends 5 block rewards to your specified address
  • Remaining blocks go to a random address

Managing Blocks

Generate new blocks to confirm pending transactions:

oyl regtest genBlocks [options]

-a, --address <address> Optional address to receive block rewards
-c, --count <count> Number of blocks to generate (default: 1)

Example Workflow

  1. Initialize regtest environment:
oyl regtest init -m "your mnemonic"
  1. Make transactions using other CLI commands

  2. Generate blocks to confirm transactions:

oyl regtest genBlocks -c 2